Version 5.02

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Version 5.02

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Changes for 5.02 (Nov-1, 2000)



Added serial port for keying PSK

Button to minimize QSO Window and maximize on map window

IOTA summary window displays all bands

Long function keys (> 255) did not recognize % char

Last line of a report did not have a line when using shading

In Label print window, checking 'Print QSL Mgr' did not affect the buro counter

Samecall window did show calls for KK4HD like KK4HD/VP2 but not calls like VP2/KK4HD

Moved QSL-VIA field to notes for QSO for ADIF import

Fixed continent mapping and 'country has buro' flag

Corrected a number of County spelling errors (thanks Jim, AD1C)

Using F1 in IOTA field did not update direction indicator

Corrected the DX4WIN import/export filters (Position needed to be non-zero)

Changed logic to retrieve the first name from the notes for the callsign (used in %n macro)